Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Portals & the Sacred Space Within
Open Minds
Could portals exist in mundane places like your local coffee shop? Should the same entry protocols once used for ancient gateways be followed? Freddy Silva, author of Portals, describes spiritual portals as energetic gateways.
Open Minds
Regina Meredith
Host Regina Meredith interviews thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries, and tireless researchers. Her talk show provides crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding, and transformation.
Planetary Awakening & the Microbiome
Open Minds
How can individuals accelerate their growth and drive planetary change that will birth a new society? Internal medicine doctor and thought leader Zach Bush, M.D., explores the deep connections between Mother Earth, our microbiome, and relationships.
Messages from the Moment of Death with Lisa Smartt
Open Minds
Lisa Smartt has collected and interpreted the mysterious messages people relay as they transition across the threshold of death. Hearing these final words gives us a powerful understanding of what we may encounter when we die.
The Shining Ones
Open Minds
Throughout history and all around the world, cultures have told stories of The Shining Ones. Researcher Freddy Silva describes these otherworldly watchers who repeatedly appear during times of catastrophic change on our planet and help humanity move forward.
Positive Mind & The Miracle Club with Mitch Horowitz
Open Minds
Mitch Horowitz reveals insights from one of the original organizations in the positive mind movement of the late 1800s, The Miracle Club, and what made their practices so successful. He offers tools and techniques, that you can start using today.
Manifesting High Energy Money with Cynthia Larson
Open Minds
Cynthia Larson reveals how we can use the observer affect, a concept from quantum physics, to manifest the money we need and want from the quantum sea of possibilities.
AI & Our Divine Spark
Open Minds
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably transformed our world, sparking excitement and fear about the future. But could its arrival be part of a destined plan, and how can AI become a partner in awakening human consciousness?
Mastering OBEs & the 12 Realms
Open Minds
What ancient secrets are waiting to be unlocked in other realms of experience? And what is blocking us from consciously mastering the art of leaving the body?
Open Minds
How can we activate the multidimensional architecture of our energetic field to connect individual blueprints with Earth's universal grid? Jerry Sargeant, founder of Star Magic Healing, offers esoteric wisdom on how to activate 12-strand DNA.
Galactic Federation & Earth’s Timelines
Open Minds
How is the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) utilizing advanced technology to protect humanity from potential cataclysmic events? GFL messenger Elizabeth April shares channeled information, detailing two distinct timelines that Earth is navigating.
Open Minds
Researcher Matthew LaCroix joins Regina Meredith for an in-depth discussion on the looting of historical artifacts from the cradle of civilization, lost secrets of Mesopotamia, cuneiform tablets of Sumer, and the connections between cultures of centuries past.
Cracking the Matrix
Open Minds
How much negative self-talk is driven by interdimensional forces? And what can be done to reclaim power from these unseen influences? Cate Montana uncovers the ancient interdimensional entities that have manipulated and undermined humanity for ages.
Quantum Spirituality with Paul Levy
Open Minds
Quantum reality is more than theoretical, it is the basis of our entire existence. Paul Levy gives us his perspective of quantum physics as a spiritual path, explaining that we are dreaming ourselves, while the universe is dreaming us.
Afterlife Communication Tech
Open Minds
Could it soon be possible to use a device to communicate with loved ones on the other side? It's closer than you think.
Egregores: Collective Beings of Control with Mark Stavish
Open Minds
Many of the unseen beings manipulating the minds of humanity are a direct product of our own creation. Mark Stavish calls these beings egregores and explains that they are a type of thought-form that is created by our collective social beliefs.
Honing Clairvoyant Capabilities
Open Minds
Wisdom teacher and writer Kaedrich Olsen speaks about his spiritualist upbringing and how he learned to recognize synchronicities in his life, and now works to teach people to connect with the supernatural in ways that are beneficial
John Dee: Renaissance Alchemist with Jason Louv
Open Minds
John Dee, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, who dubbed him, “007,” lived in a time when magic and science were one, became a controversial occult figure. Jason Louv discusses the life of this renaissance alchemist who influenced many prominent scientists.