Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger

The author of four books and host of "Hidden Origins," Michael Tellinger is an author, scientist, explorer, and founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement.

A real-life Indiana Jones, Tellinger's analytical scientific approach to stunning new evidence and continuous drive have led to stunning new evidence and ground-breaking discoveries about vanished civilizations that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books. His research reveals that vanished civilizations used the power of sound and frequency as a primary source of energy and clearly had an astute knowledge of the laws of nature and the generation of free energy. Tellinger believes these discoveries will be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history.

Scientific Exploration

An international authority on the origins of humankind, Michael Tellinger is a leading contributor to the study of ancient civilizations, and specifically the vanished civilizations of southern Africa. Before Tellinger, there was only novel speculation about the origins of stone remains on the continent of Africa. However, Tellinger's persistent research has resulted in astonishing new archaeological and scientific discoveries - showing that the Sumerians and even Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa. Using tools and artifacts to support his scientific findings, Tellinger was praised for discovering more than 10 million stone ruins that are not dwellings, but rather energy generating devices.

His Torus Stone, that crashed the TSA security systems at DOHA International Airport in July 2013, has sparked the imagination of the global scientific fraternity in the quest for delivering a new free energy device to the people of the world.


A global movement of unity consciousness with members and supporters in over 200 countries, Michael Tellinger founded the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement of higher consciousness in 2010. Officially register in 2012 as a spearhead for a movement to plant the seed of consciousness into the political beast, UBUNTU promotes the transformation from a money-driven society to one fueled by people's talents and passions for life - where everyone contributes to benefit the community.

The UBUNTU Party participated in the South African elections on May 7, 2014 under Tellinger?s leadership and is now officially registered in the UK as a political party.

Hidden Origins

The first of its kind, Hidden Origins is a 16-episode series hosted by Michael Tellinger. Launched on January 11, 2016, the series covers subjects surrounding the origins of humankind, Adam's Calendar, stone circles, and the nature of reality.

With Tellinger's influence, the show dives into how ancient advanced technology and the origins of royal bloodlines and money are all leading to UBUNTU and a contributing society. It lays out a new blueprint for human prosperity - moving from money driven societies where people live divided in fear of each other, to united communities of abundance.


Michael Tellinger is the author of five books including:

Slave Species of God (2005) Through the result of a 25-year study of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, who claims to have translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets, Tellinger theorizes about the Anunnaki legacy in our DNA and true origins of humanity.

Adam's Calendar (2008) In this ground-breaking and thought-provoking book, Tellinger discusses a stone circle rediscovered by co-author Johan Heine in 2003, which they claim date to 75,000 years ago, making it the oldest man-made structure on earth.

Temples Of The African Gods (2010) New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago--mining gold.

African Temples of the Anunnaki: The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki (2013) With aerial photographs, Michael Tellinger shows how the extensive stone circle and road complexes are laid out according to the principles of sacred geometry. This finding represent the remains of Tesla-like technology used to generate energy and carve immensely long tunnels straight into the Earth in search of gold--tunnels that still exist and whose origins had been a mystery until now.

UBUNTU Contributionism: A Blueprint For Human Prosperity (2014) The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years all controlled by money. Michael Tellinger exposes the previously misunderstood origins of money and the rise of the royal banking elite that have controlled the world for millennia and continue to do so today through the modern banking families.

12 videos found

The Gods of Eden
Deep Space
Custodians of ancient knowledge tell us that the gods of Eden, the Annunaki, planned a destiny for us which is still being played out through our ongoing obsession with gold. Evidence of this can be discerned from ancient temples, which once stood as places for the human elite to commune with these extraterrestrial gods.
Open Minds
Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones.
Ancient Sounds and Symbols
Hidden Origins
Across the ages many civilizations bore many commonalities, such as the prevalence of gold and many similar symbols shared throughout their unique cultures. It is the predominance of sound with sacred practices and architectural designs which this points toward a common origin.
Hidden Origins
Michael Tellinger presents an overview of the journey to discover humanity’s hidden origins. Everything we have been told about our history is a lie. The stories that have shaped our society, as we know it, are falsehoods concocted by the victors of our planet’s many wars.
The Power of Gold
Hidden Origins
From the moment the Annunaki set foot upon our once primitive planet, the race was on to procure mass amounts of gold and hold as much power over the emerging human populations as possible. This may be why gold has always been central to the advancement of human civilizations upon the Earth.
Hidden Origins
Michael Tellinger
Has Money Destroyed Humanity’s Real Power? Discover Our True Origins with Michael Tellinger.
Modern Uses for Sacred Sound Technology
Hidden Origins
Ancient cultures were able to use sound technology because they understood how primal resonance is critical to creation of all things. Once lost to the ravages of time, some of these applications were recovered in the forbidden sciences of Nikola Tesla.
Draconian Legacy of the Annunaki with Michael Tellinger
Beyond Belief
Artifacts reveal that Earth's first civilization had an advanced technology which was used to build great stone circles as well as the political structures that would enslave mankind for centuries. Michael Tellinger reveals his research into the Annunaki and explains how we can break free from their draconian legacy.
Ancient Resonance Technology
Hidden Origins
In our modern world, we are inundated with sounds scattered everywhere. Its prevalence is so dominant in our everyday lives that many of us can scarcely imagine that it was once a source of sacred power.
Michael Tellinger on Utopia
Author and researcher Michael Tellinger discusses his vision for a society built on the common good.
Michael Tellinger on Slave Species of God
Conscious Media Network
Michael Tellinger is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues, scrutinizing every clue meticulously to bring an ancient civilization, in South Africa, to the center of Zecharia Sitchen’s thesis on the Anunnaki.
Michael Tellinger on Contributionism
Conscious Media Network
In this interview with Michael Tellinger, he talks about his desire to run for office in South Africa on a platform of contributionism, a way of thriving as a community.