Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano is a renowned New Age media personality, author, speaker, and teacher widely recognized for his profound insights into consciousness, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the universe. His work offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Ater Tumti” (Heaven on Earth). It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our own reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it.

Born on November 12, 1987, in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, De Stefano embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery from a young age. De Stefano has possessed remarkable memories of past lives and universal knowledge since he was just 3 years old. Between the ages of 12 and 18, he had the unique ability to perceive Etheric Beings, which resulted in experiencing vivid visions, recalling past lives from ancient civilizations, and suffering from severe headaches. To cope with this extraordinary situation, he started to seek answers from the Akashic Records and the world around him.

Education: De Stefano completed his early education in Argentina at "Escuela de Los Padres" and Centro Agrotécnico Regional (Venado Tuerto), gaining proficiency in English and agriculture. He continued his secondary studies in human sciences at two schools in Spain: IES Els Planells (Artesa de Segre) and IES Bernat el Ferrer (Molins de Rei). Later, he pursued a degree in Psychopedagogy at the Universidad Nacional de Río IV in Córdoba, Argentina, but discontinued before completion. In 2008, De Stefano began developing innovative pedagogical perspectives through active participation in various courses and workshops.

Publications: De Stefano's profound insights and teachings have been shared through various publications, lectures, and workshops, touching the lives of countless individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment and a deeper understanding of their purpose in the universe. From his book (Living in the Universe and Living on the Earth) to his movie (The Rememberer) and various Gaia TV shows (Initiation and Matías De Stefano: The Journey of Remembering), his impact on the spiritual and metaphysical community is immeasurable.

Matías De Stefano continues to inspire and guide spiritual seekers worldwide and is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.

62 videos found

In this first episode of Initiation, Matias De Stefano takes us deep into the first dimension where we understand that all existence stems from unity.
Deep History of Atlantis and Mu
Matias de Stefano takes us to the deepest history of Atlantis and Mu, as established by beings from other worlds. At the heart of it all is concern for the consciousness of our planet.
Seven Laws of the Universe
We come the realm that many people call heaven, the seventh dimension; the dimension of enlightenment. It is here where we discover the seven laws of the universe. These laws are found within everything, in every dimension.
The Journey of Remembering
Join Initiation host Matías De Stefano as he recalls his early missions through Argentina and the beginnings of a worldwide movement.
The Journey of Remembering
Matías De Stefano
Could Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, be lodged within the Earth's core, depleting its magnetic field? Join Matías as he connects with the wise Merlins and leads a group of initiates along the sacred path of stone circles through Great Britain's chakra system.
8th Dimension & the Akashic Records
As we enter the matrix of the eighth dimension, we find the Akashic Records. Matias De Stefano explains the way we can transform ourselves, by centering our chakras and align our being to be able to download information from the Akashic Records.
From the interplay of positive and negative forces, comes the trinity, which creates our three-dimensional experience of time-space through sound, light and form.
Matias De Stefano explains the concept of duality, weaving the network of time which projects into space as every possibility of creation and experience.
Matias De Stefano returns to Initiation by giving us an overview of what we can expect to come. We explore the creation of different beings who would promote the evolution of life throughout our cosmos.
Transcending Through the 5th Dimension
As we step into the fifth dimension, we enter the realm of the guides who perceive our reality, from a vastly different perspective. It is here where our concepts of good and evil fade away as evolution becomes a primary force for being.
Pillars of Reality
In order to understand what it means to transcend the body, and the third dimension, we need to understand the four pillars of reality.
Sacred Geometry of the Dimensions
Matias De Stefano explains the geometric patterns known as the seed, fruit, and tree of life, as they pertain to matter and energy. From the division of cells to the formation of galaxies, we find these repeated shapes.
The Architects of Reality
In the sixth dimension we find a realm where our understanding of good and evil dissolves. It is here where we find architects of reality who know how to build entire universes, as they are free from the limits of time and space.
Part 2: 11/11/11
The Journey of Remembering
Initiation host Matías De Stefano shares how his spirit guides tasked him with a difficult request to gather thousands of people in a very small area to clear and reactivate the energy of that space.
Humanity's First Guiding Forces
With life starting to flourish on our primordial planet, powerful beings from Arcturus and the Pleiades were sent to nurture the physical and spiritual life with the first hominid species.
Reptilians vs. Giants
Long before humanity as we know it existed, reptilians and giants ruled the Earth and sought to guide our destiny. Matias De Stefano explains how these beings became guiding forces for humanity and what they hope to gain from us.
Seeding Civilization
To understand the future of humanity, we need to explore the beginnings of civilization. Matias De Stefano explores the advanced civilizations that came to our world, eons ago to initiate the evolution of consciousness at the collective level.
9th Dimension of Transcendence
In the ninth dimension, we glean how the universe sees itself and learn how that plays into all creation. Matias De Stefano takes us in to a place where there is no light; just a void where everything can be transcended.