Grant Cameron

7 videos found

Extraterrestrial Messages in Music with Grant Cameron
Beyond Belief
After many years of investigating UFOs and extraterrestrial activity, a moment of inspiration told Grant Cameron to look for evidence of alien contact in the lyrics of popular music.
UAPs Piloted by Consciousness
Into the Vortex
Can psychic women pilot an ET craft by becoming one with the ship?
Documenting Disclosure with Grant Cameron
Beyond Belief
U.S. and Canadian governments know that UFOs are real, and they are keeping this information from us. But, Grant Cameron is persistently pursuing the documentation that officially confirms the existence of these unexplainable aerial phenomena.
Grant Cameron: Consciousness, UFOs and Reality
Conscious Life Expo Talks 2019
Grant discusses how consciousness is used in the operation of alien craft. The true nature of reality may be totally different than what we currently believe.
UFO Panel: Extraterrestrial Influences in Human Evolution
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
A panel discussion of the foremost researchers in the fields of cutting-edge science, the power of consciousness, UFO investigation, back-engineering and suppressed technologies.
Disclosure: The U.S. Government’s Role with Grant Cameron
Beyond Belief
Through indirect means, we are getting disclosure, piece by piece, as certain government organizations are releasing slow drips of information from the inside.
George Noory Forum: Cosmic Questions
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
Join host George Noory and celebrated panelists as they stand at the podium of truth, asked provocative questions, and give us their best, unscripted answers.