Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock

The author of international bestsellers "The Sign and The Seal," "Fingerprints of the Gods," and "Heaven's Mirror," Graham Hancock is a British writer and journalist, who specializes in ancient civilizations and monuments.

Writing about the global connection with a "mother culture," Hancock provides balance to the unquestioned's acceptance. After graduating from Durham University in 1973 with a First Class Honors degree in sociology, Hancock went on to write for major British newspapers including The Time, The Independent, The Guardian, and more. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances have put his ideas before audiences of millions. He is recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past.

30 videos found

Ancient Civilizations
In this inaugural episode of Ancient Civilizations, we explore the Garden of Eden with several scholars who have peered past the accepted tales to reveal a forgotten history of the birth of humanity.
Gnostic Origins
Ancient Civilizations
The discovery of the Gnostic texts in Nag Hammadi, Egypt changed what we knew about the ancient world and brought to light competing concepts of creation and control. Our exploration of ancient civilizations continues as we to illuminate the gnostic worldview.
Tree of Life
Ancient Civilizations
We explore the tree of life, as it is conceptualized in many enduring spiritual traditions to discover that it is much more than a pervasive myth. Encoded within the lore, we find a deeper understanding of how we were created and the secret to unlocking the divine spark.
Tower of Babel
Ancient Civilizations
Legends tells us that language once unified all of humanity, but a detrimental blunder led to this once-unifying force becoming a means of mass confusion. By rediscovering this ancient, forbidden language, we may find returning to unification is an individual journey beholden with many paths to transcendence.
Lost Cities Beneath the Ocean
Ancient Civilizations
Arcane accounts from Egypt, Greece, Rome and Sumeria tell startling similar stories of the oceanic destruction of advanced ancient civilizations which are being rediscovered. These lost cities hold the secrets to unlocking the ancient code of human origin and destiny.
New Understandings of the Great Pyramid
Ancient Civilizations
Our scholars of ancient history present a new theory concerning the Great Pyramid of Giza that you may not be familiar with. The greatest secret may not be in its construction, but as a powerful device which enabled the rebirth of Osiris as Horus.
Entrances to Inner Earth
Ancient Civilizations
Is there an ancient code which points the way to inner earth civilizations like Agharta and Patala? Oral traditions from indigenous cultures, throughout the world, all point to ancient advanced civilizations thriving deep under the earth.
Rise and Fall of the Wise Woman
Ancient Civilizations
History and ancient texts point to a time when women were worshiped and entrusted with secret teachings, holding influential positions of power. If this knowledge is allowed to flourish, could there be a rise of wise women in the future and, if so, might this also pave the way to a time when patriarchy and matriarchy rule together?
Interstellar Links to Göbekli Tepe
Ancient Civilizations
Was Göbekli Tepe built as a sacred interstellar portal connecting the people of Earth with extraterrestrial civilizations? As the world’s oldest monument, built in the cradle of civilization, recent discoveries may be our strongest evidence connecting the establishment of human civilization under the rule of the Annunaki.
DNA and the Seeds of Re-Civilization
Ancient Civilizations
Could our DNA have been altered thousands of years ago? Explore the secrets of one of the oldest religious site known to man, Gobekli Tepe. Researchers believe the ancient stone carvings tell the story of a progenitor race’s influence on human genetics through agriculture, astronomy and architecture.
Ancient Civilizations
Explore ancient sites and delve deeper into the forgotten codes hidden throughout ancient mythology to unlock a new understanding of humanity’s origins.
Ancient Cave Systems of the Four Corners
Ancient Civilizations
The intricate tunnels and cave systems throughout the American Southwest have been used for sacred ceremonies and military programs alike. Piece together Hopi and Zuni folklore with eyewitness accounts to unlock the secrets of the four corners and its history of extraterrestrial influence.
From Atlantis to Aztlan
Ancient Civilizations
Could the legendary Aztlan be a missing link that connects the Annunaki with the post-deluge Atlantean migration and ancient American civilizations? Explore the origin and demise of the Aztecs that indicate greater forces battling behind the scenes, influencing human culture and beliefs.
Denisovans: They Might Be Giants
Ancient Civilizations
Is there a kernel of truth to be found within the ancient legends of giants? The final episode of the season explores the discovery of a new lineage of hominid DNA that challenges us to reexamine the origins human civilizations.
In this ground-breaking original series, experts explore the history and use of psychedelic plants including political ambitions, the perceived shadow side and the proper environment to experience these substances.
Engaging the Dream
Study the practices and beliefs of the indigenous cultures that engaged in dream work to traverse altered states of consciousness and achieve individual and collective healing.
You Are the Medicine
In this final episode, examine different ways of achieving natural highs, to step out of the body and access higher realms of consciousness and become your own medicine.
A Psychedelic Society
As stewards of the Earth, psychedelics may have the capability to help us usher in a positive future where spirituality and the supernatural have returned as an important part of the human experience.