Did Our Ancestors Know How to Open A Portal to Another Dimension?

Did Our Ancestors Know How to Open A Portal to Another Dimension?

There are several areas across the world known to be energetic hotspots – from ancient megaliths to Ley Lines, these areas are often alleged to produce hyperdimensional gateways. While we don’t exactly know how to open a portal to another dimension, there is evidence the phenomenon could exist. And now it seems science may be catching on to the possibility.

Typically, portal areas have some type of electromagnetic significance and are located near large deposits of quartz or other minerals with piezoelectric properties. So, it was less of a surprise when NASA announced in 2012 that the University of Iowa physicist Jack Scudder, found hard evidence of portals created by the interaction between the Earth and Sun’s magnetospheres.

These portals exhibit extreme volatility and unpredictability, opening and closing in an instant. But Scudder found markers, called x-points or electron diffusion regions, which allowed NASA probes to locate and study them.

Thus, it launched the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, or MMS, which mapped how two celestial bodies’ magnetic fields connect, disconnect, and explosively transfer energy, subsequently opening portals to the unknown.

For now, only electrons have been observed to travel through these portals, generating auroras and the occasional magnetic storm near Earth’s poles. But this discovery could be the key to uncovering the function of some of the legendary portals on Earth that are said to act as gateways to other dimensions.

Interdimensional Portals and the Link to Our Ancestors

The interdimensional portal, often depicted as a gateway to another world, has long been a device of science fiction, but it also finds its place within myriad ancient cultures. According to Freddy Silva, throughout history, we’ve slowly lost our connection to the Earth, but in times of antiquity, people were able to naturally distinguish energetic fields and hotspots across the land.

Our ancestors identified particular places considered energetically anomalous, and in these areas, one discovers either a succession of temples or a temple that has withstood the test of time. Silva points to several gothic cathedrals built on grounds originally identified by Pagans as being sacred.

These energetic locales are considered sacrosanct because they represent areas where our inner temple – the mind – can access higher states of consciousness, connecting with extra-dimensional entities or invoking out-of-body experiences. Whether these areas always represented dimensional portals for the mind, or a portal for the physical body is up for debate.

Graham Hancock references the many stories of native shamans traversing planes of consciousness through the use of psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca. Within this ecstatic state, shamans report meeting teachers and guides, who provide advice and wisdom for living within the everyday realm of our existence. But Hancock also says he believes it is worth considering that there may be something otherworldly to these portal areas; something beyond materialist comprehension.

Gate of the Gods: The Mystery of the Aramu Muru Portal

One location that seems to fit this description is Puerta de Hayu Marca in Peru. Situated on a plateau just off the western banks of Lake Titicaca, Puerta de Hayu Marca translates to the Gate of the Gods. Reaching 23 feet in both height and width, Hayu Marca, also known as Aramu Muru, appears to be a doorway or stargate to nowhere carved into the Hayu Marca Mountain in a remote area known as the Valley of the Spirits or Stone Forest.

gate of the gods peru

Gate of the Gods, Hayu Marca


Legend has it that when Spanish conquistadors came to Peru to loot the Inca’s gold, an Inca priest of the temple of the Seven Rays, used Hayu Marca as a portal to escape. Maru allegedly placed a golden disk, known as the “Key to the Gods of the Seven Rays,” into a socket in the center of Hayu Marca’s carved door, opening a portal and allowing him to walk through to a new world, never to be seen again. This mysterious doorway has led some to speculate whether it could be a wormhole to another realm.

Hayu Marca rests on a Ley Line,

upon which the famous Gate of the Sun at Tiwanaku also lies in neighboring Bolivia, along with several other important Incan archeological points.

Visitors of Hayu Marca have reported noticeably unusual energy fields there, with some saying they can feel pulsating energy emanating from the rock when placing their hand in its center. Many who have reviewed the ancient site online mention this feeling of elevated or intense energy there.

Lake Titicaca nearby was revered by the Incas and considered to be the birthplace of their civilization. It is also among the deepest lakes in the world, rumored to contain a lost city and a plethora of treasure looted by the Spanish. In 2000, the lost temple of Atahualpa was discovered deep below the lake, adding to the mysterious nature of this ancient culture.

Rediscovering the Ancient Portal

In more recent lore, a man named Jose Luis Delgado Mamani was said to have rediscovered Hayu Marca in 1996, astonished by what he saw. The gateway of the gods looked familiar to him, as he had seen a similar threshold in his dreams with pink marble. Mamani knew instantly this was the same vision from his reveries.

“When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out. I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream, the path to the door was paved with pink marble, and with pink marble statues lining either side of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel.

Was Mamani contacted by the legendary figure who once passed through the stone doorway of Hayu Marca and into an extra dimension?

“When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out. I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream the path to the door was paved with pink marble, and with pink marble statues lining either side of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel.

Was Mamani contacted by Amaru Meru, the legendary figure who once passed through the stone doorway of Hayu Marca?

Are Interdimensional Portals Possible? What The Science Says

If you talk to most string theorists they’ll tell you it’s likely we live in a multi-dimensional universe.

In fact, many string theorists believe that beyond our three and even four-dimensional (spacetime) reality, there may actually be 10 or 11 different dimensions, all potentially with unique laws of physics and chemistry.

Michio Kaku likens this to a fish swimming in water; to the fish, you can swim up, down, left, or right, and everything within your body of water is your universe — your reality. But what if a human lifted you out of the water? All of a sudden you’re in a new dimension, being held by a being breathing without gills and living outside of the water — an entirely new chemistry of living. This being is also moving without fins and walking on solid ground — a new form of physics, different than your own.

And though there are some similarities between these two worlds as far as the laws that govern them, i.e. electromagnetic energy and gravity, there are vast differences. Similarly, there may be multiple dimensions beyond our own, of which we can only observe certain signs – quantum signs that don’t seem to fall into a unified theory of explanation, based on the dimensions we’re capable of observing.

Recent Theories and Observations

According to the Randall-Sundrum Model,

a theory developed by the scientists Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum while attempting to solve the hierarchy problem of the standard model, we might live in a space that contains a warped and gravitationally heavy fifth-dimension known as the gravitybrane or Planckbrane.  This theory explains why gravity is the weakest of all the fundamental forces, while also allowing for the possibility that we exist on one of these branes, unable to see reality on the surface of another brane. Unless there was some kind of portal…

Could it be possible that a confluence of electromagnetic events occasionally opens up a portal into one of those other dimensions or onto the surface of another brane? Could this have anything to do with all of the ephemeral paranormal phenomena that are so seemingly ineffable?

Randall plans to test her theory through the use of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the location where the Higgs boson was discovered. However, whether it will allow us any insight into the possibility of interdimensional travel by way of a portal, is up in the air. For now, we’ll just have to continue to study the areas our ancestors marked and unlock the codes they left behind.

Unlocking The Mystery: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

From the historic and legendary Gate of the Gods in Peru to the theoretical constructs of parallel universes and black holes in modern physics, using portals to access alternate dimensions has kept humanity fascinated throughout history. Modern advancements in technology allow us to get closer to unraveling the mystery of interdimensional portals yet we must continue to study ancient lore around this theory, as it may hold valuable insights that current science cannot explain.

Whether we look to the wisdom of our ancestors or that of modern science, the exploration of interdimensional portals continues, inviting us to expand our understanding of reality and uncover new insights into the vast possibilities that exist beyond our own dimension.

A Supercharged Lion's Gate Portal

A Supercharged Lion’s Gate Portal

Lion’s Gate Portal

On August 8, the Sirius star rises in conjunction with the Sun at dawn under the lion sign of Leo. For several weeks before and after Sirius’ rising, we can tap into intense manifestation energy through the bravery of the lion.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the Sun provides life for our physical bodies, and Sirius nourishes our spiritual bodies. For them, Sirius marked the start of a new year, the annual life-giving floods of the Nile, and a rebirth of the human spirit. They saw this month-long season as a powerful time to harness creative energy and manifest new experiences.

As we traverse this gateway, it may feel like we are in unfamiliar territory, like beginning a new chapter in a different city or going back to school with new teachers. Yet, with every challenge comes great opportunity. What lies on the other side of this portal will depend on the alignment of our thoughts, words, and actions. This energy asks us to slow down and carefully consider who we want to be. 

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