Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Dayna’s teachings weave diverse techniques that support your wholeness, radiance and well being. She loves to infuse asana practices with pranayama, kriya (energy practices), mudra and organic movement to create well-rounded and inspiring experiences for her students. In Dayna’s classes expect safe invitations to find your tender edge where healing and evolution happen. While Dayna has been sharing the wisdom of vinyasa, hatha, kundalini, and meditation teachings to her students since 2011, her teaching foundation is rooted in her long term dedicated personal practice and study. She enjoys weaving themes that have inspired her journey into her teachings, including emotional healing, shadow work, self-love and clearing limitations. When off the mat, find Dayna soaking up nature with her family, leading authentic relating trainings and dancing through this wild ride of life. Learn more at

128 classes found

Dayna Seraye
Explore sensory perception beyond your five senses with this practice to help you wake up to presence.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Cultivate a connection to the intelligence of your heart with this sequence of seated, floor, and standing heart-opening poses.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Tune in to spirit through a series of practices that bring awareness to the spiritual source that emanates all of life. Use chanting, physical movement, and breath to tap into your source.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Cultivate connection with your vital life force through your breath. In this class explore the art of connecting to your breath through diverse breathing (pranayama) and specific repeated movement (kriya) techniques.
Everyday Yoga: Connection Introduction
Everyday Yoga: Connection
What does it mean to feel connected? In this brief introduction we begin exploring our connection to different aspects of life through the practice of yoga.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Foster a healthy and connected relationship with your body through a sequence of poses that will both wake you up and relax you.
Dayna Seraye
Take a break and activate your body, heart and soul with this invigorating series of standing poses.
Dayna Seraye
Loosen tension in your neck and shoulders in this quick, seated practice that you can do any time of the day. Your body will thank you for these 10 minutes of relaxation!
Dayna Seraye
This potent practice will support you to move your emotional energy so that you can experience more aliveness, openness and the flow of life force.
Dayna Seraye
Starting with transformational breathwork, moving into a flow of focused standing poses and ending with deep relaxation, this dynamic practice will help release what blocks you and cultivate your connection to your inner knowing.
Dayna Seraye
Open your mind and enliven your energy with this full body flow designed to cultivate your ground of being and a spacious, empowered approach to your life.
Dayna Seraye
Begin with floor twists and heart-openers in this gentle practice to release stress and work through the knots of life. Expand into standing poses to open the hips and ground. Enjoy your breath!
Dayna Seraye
Begin with seated stretches to open the shoulders. Transition to standing poses with variations of Warrior and Eagle, closing with bridge before savasana.
Dayna Seraye
This practice, designed to support longevity, begins with floorwork to open the shoulders and cultivate awareness. Move into strong standing poses to cultivate strength. Finish with a Qi-generation position to cultivate vitality.
Dayna Seraye
Feeling out of sorts, ungrounded, or overwhelmed? Access your deep core in this empowering flow that will bring you into your body and breath.
Dayna Seraye
Life is in constant flux, requiring us to rediscover our balance moment to moment. This practice will guide you through dynamic asana, pranayama, and kriya to embody your wholeness.
Dayna Seraye
Enliven your day with radiance through this gentle, all-around practice. Begin seated with breathwork and kriya. Enjoy simple transitions into standing poses, twists, and forward folds.
Dayna Seraye
Embrace your hips in an exploration of standing poses, deep lunges and squats. Your hips will love you for it!