David Icke

David Icke

A former professional soccer player and sports broadcaster, David Icke is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world."

Self-described as the most controversial speaker in the world; he is the author of over 20 books and numerous dvds. Through his lectures in over 25 countries, Icke has attracted a global following that cuts across the political spectrum. His book, "The Biggest Secret," has been described as "The Rosetta Stone for conspiracy junkies."

After being told by a psychic that he was a healer who had been placed on earth for a particular purpose, Icke held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead." Through his writings, Icke has developed a worldview that combines new-age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends. He believes that many prominent figures belong to the Babylonian Brotherhood, a secret group of shapeshifting reptilian humanoids that control humanity.

13 videos found

Escape the Matrix
David Icke shares the moments in his life that challenged what he thought he knew about reality, and how he was forever changed by them. What he has to teach will put human life, world events, and reality itself, into a completely different light.
Revolution in Perception
Escape the Matrix
David Icke spurs us to ask two very important questions that we may have never contemplated before: Who are we, and what is this reality that we experience every day. To understand the answers, we need to shift our perceptions of a physical reality.
Holographic Reality
Escape the Matrix
David Icke introduces us to the concept of a holographic reality where we are living in a state of existence that is nothing more than waveform information. When we change our perception of this information, we change everything that we experience.
Seeing the Matrix
Escape the Matrix
Expanding upon our notion of living in a holographic reality, David Icke equates our existence with that of The Matrix movie. That is, our reality is being simulated and project by some form of technology outside of our physical reality.
Decoding the Matrix
Escape the Matrix
David Icke takes us deeper into the matrix to explore ancient texts and legends that describe beings from other worlds that are imposing a limited perception of reality upon us. With this understanding, you can begin to start decoding the matrix
Reinforcing the Programming
Escape the Matrix
David Icke describes our programming, the methods and techniques used for reinforcing it, and what happens when you finally start to wake up. It all begins with the recognition of the matrix then the realization that you are far more than you believe.
Mind Games
Escape the Matrix
David Icke details the effects of political machinations that are all part of a calculated design involving human mind games. No matter who appears to be in power, there is a permanent control structure pulling all the strings from its hidden place.
Key to Freedom
Escape the Matrix
David Icke shares work from the HeartMath Institute to reveal that the power of the heart is our primary means to disconnect from the matrix and reclaim control over our lives.
Web of Control
Escape the Matrix
David Icke presents us with a hierarchical model of a spider web. It originates with the archontic forces in another reality and extends through secret societies and major corporations who control the information we receive.
A.I. & the Archons
Escape the Matrix
Who is at the center of the web pulling the strings and what is their ultimate endgame? David Icke sheds light on the archons which may be a highly advanced form of A.I. slowly manipulating our planet into a technological dystopia.
Awaken the Sovereign Mind
Escape the Matrix
Awaken the sovereign mind and celebrate who we really are! Far too many of us give away our power, our perceptions and our lives. David Icke reveals how we can take our perceptions back.
The Real Revolution
Escape the Matrix
Bolster your strength as David Icke takes a hard look at some of the controversial events in today’s world to help us define what love is and isn’t, and take back our world. This means stop hating, put away the labels, and dissolve our divisions.
Remember Who You Are
Escape the Matrix
To escape the matrix, it is crucial to remember who you are. In this final episode, David Icke completes the tools you need for this journey of awakening.