David-Dorian Ross

David-Dorian Ross

David-Dorian Ross is an internationally known t’ai chi instructor and lecturer on the subject of integrative exercise and body-mind fitness. He is the featured instructor in numerous Gaiam t’ai chi programs, including T'ai Chi Beginning Practice, and is the author of Exercising the Soul: How T'ai Chi Nurtures the BodyMind. Ross holds a degree in human movement studies, and is the founder and chief instructor of the Honolulu T'ai Chi Academy, and a certified continuing educator for the American Council on Exercise. For more than 15 years, he has successfully sought to modernize and mainstream the teaching methods used to transmit the ancient body-mind disciplines to contemporary students, without losing the essence of those arts.

A 20-year practitioner of both hatha yoga and t'ai chi ch'uan, Ross has studied yoga in Hawaii with Swami Dass and at San Francisco's Integral Yoga Institute. His t'ai chi training includes studying in China with the coach of the women's world t'ai chi champion, and with Wu Bin, the former head coach of the Chinese National Martial Arts Team. In the United States, his teachers include Grandmaster Doc-Fai Wong and Master Wen Mei Yu. His t'ai chi ch'uan performances have earned him four U.S. gold medals, as well as two world bronze medals and a world silver medal. He is the only American ever to be awarded such high honors. Ross continues to conduct seminars worldwide for both teachers and the general public. He is a past member of the IDEA Mind-Body Fitness Committee, and is a regular presenter at conferences and retreats throughout the year.

13 classes found

AM Chi for Beginners
AM & PM Chi for Beginners
Energizing Chi to get your day started with a burst of energy with host David Dorian Ross.
Introduction to T‘ai Chi
An overview of what David Dorian-Ross will cover in this comprehensive series.
Daily Practice
T‘ai Chi Daily Practice
Put the movements from Sections 1 through 3 together for a complete daily practice.
Finding Alignment
T‘ai Chi Daily Practice
An introduction to the benefits, movements and fundamentals of a T'ai Chi practice.
Final Flow
Introduction to T‘ai Chi
Discover the final four moves that complete your routine.
Section 1
T‘ai Chi Daily Practice
Learn the basic steps of a daily practice routine.
David-Dorian Ross
The flow of energy in the body will be awakened by this set of exercises that increase chi circulation.
Section 2
T‘ai Chi Daily Practice
Build on the basic movements covered in Section 1 while adding new movements.
Section 3
T‘ai Chi Daily Practice
Master the final movements needed to complete the daily practice sequence.