Belinda Womack

Belinda Womack

As a child, Belinda Womack communicated with Angels and Loving Beings in Heaven, however when she turned 12, she turned off her special heavenly radio receiver and decided to become a scientist. She did all she could to rely on the logical and rational part of her brain and earned two masters degrees; one in microbiology and one in environmental science. All of her effort to be practical and rely on tangible evidence was blown away on the day, while working in a pediatric oncology lab, archangel Gabriel visited her and changed all she believed she knew about herself and life on Earth. Belinda loves to work with the 12 Archangels and Ascended Masters to relay their transformational and deepest-healing messages through personal consultations, channeled readings, online classes, and live-webinars.

6 videos found

Angelic Guidance to Access Your Purpose with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
Belinda Womack comes forward with an important message from the angels and ascended masters concerning living your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world. To help guide us through these chaotic times, they offer ways that you can use to access your exceptional gifts.
Manifesting Inner Wealth with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
There really is something blocking you from achieving the wealth that you seek, and it is deep within. Belinda Womack returns to channel archangels and financial masters to help you tap into your own creative power and achieve true inner wealth.
Angelic Peace & Clarity
Open Minds
How can we find peace and abundance in a world that feels chaotic? Spiritual messenger Belinda Womack shares messages from the 12 archangels directed toward humanity's destiny, divine nature, and true wealth.
Archangels on the Age of Aquarius
Open Minds
Channeler Belinda Womack returns to Gaia to speak with Regina Meredith and shares answers from archangels about the destiny of humanity and the questions of our time.
Lessons from the 12 Angels with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
Some people have had an open and alive connection to angelic beings since the day they were born. Such is the life of Belinda Womack who began working with angels at a very young age. Since then, she has refined her work with a committee of twelve angels.
Lessons from Our Polarized Times with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
We are beginning to see our hidden shadows rising into the light and returning to the source of love from which we all originally emanated. This comes as we are facing an increasingly polarized nation. But the one thing that seems to be missing on both sides is love.