Ricardo Gonzalez Corpancho

Ricardo Gonzalez Corpancho

Ricardo Gonzalez Carpancho is described as one of the most credible contactees in the world and has gained interest among researchers and enthusiasts in the UFO phenomenon. His interest in UFOs began in 1988 when he witnessed a sighting in Peru. Since then, he has shared his experiences of contact with extraterrestrial beings in numerous international congresses, conferences, radio, and television interviews.

One notable aspect of Carpancho's experiences is his claim to have organized successful "programmed sightings" on eight occasions. He has invited UFO researchers and journalists to witness these events, which have likely added to the debate and interest surrounding his claims.

Carpancho is also recognized as an author, having written around twenty books that have been translated into multiple languages. Despite his extensive involvement in the field and his contributions through books and public appearances, Carpancho maintains that he has more questions than answers. He sees his contact with other realities as a means to understand ourselves better, emphasizing the idea that it serves as a mirror revealing our true nature.

13 videos found

Egypt, Orion & the Mission of Jesus
The Arc of Time
Delve into the mysterious relationship that exists between the first Egyptian dynasties, extraterrestrials, and prophets like Jesus, according to the messages Ricardo received from extraterrestrials.
The Arc of Time
Ricardo Gonzalez Corpancho
Ricardo González Corpancho presents his research into UFO phenomena as well as his own direct contact experiences. The messages he shares highlight our role in the evolution of the universe, how we got here, what is happening now, and where are we going.
The Arc of Time
Ricardo tells us about his first experiences of extraterrestrial contact, the messages he received, and the importance they have for the evolution of humanity. Explore Earth’s relationship with the universe at large through the lens of historical contact experiences in Latin America.
Secrets of Mount Shasta
The Arc of Time
Mystical mountain Shasta is at the center of many mysteries, encounters, and sightings. This is where Ricardo had his last contact on board an extraterrestrial ship. In this episode, you will find out the details of this astounding experience.
Solar Discs
The Arc of Time
Ricardo shares his extensive research behind the mystery of solar disk prophecy and his experience with one of the guardians of the underground sanctuaries upon arriving at the Pusharo wall in the Peruvian jungle.
The Intraterrestrial Enigma
The Arc of Time
Learn about the origin of Shambhala according to the extraterrestrials and the meaning of the mythical Chintamani stone. Discover the secrets that take us to the ends of the Earth, where underground creatures live. Ricardo shares his experience with them and the message that he received.
Beings of Light
The Arc of Time
Ricardo relives one of his most fascinating experiences with beings of higher consciousness who appear in this dimension as beings of light and he tells us how these beings created a phenomenon that changed many lives in Uruguay.
Origin & Mission of the Souls
The Arc of Time
Explore with Ricardo the fascinating subject of the origins of the soul and how this relates to our physical body, and, according to messages of extraterrestrial origin, what part the "Life Agreement" plays in our lives.
The Maya Factor
The Arc of Time
Learn the message behind the complex Mayan calendar and what significance the numbers and symbols have. Is the end of the Mayan calendar really the beginning of another cycle for humanity?
The Cosmic Plan
The Arc of Time
Ricardo offers an expansive perspective on the complex beginnings of life on Earth, citing information received from extraterrestrials regarding their influence on humanity’s creation and evolution.
Preparing for Contact
The Arc of Time
Get ready to find out the different types of extraterrestrial encounters that exist, and the protocol for creating intentional contact with non-human intelligences.
Return of the Gods
The Arc of Time
One of the reasons why interaction with extraterrestrial civilizations has become more active is the application of technological developments, such as the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. They come to share a message of transformation without intervening.
Prophecies: The Visionaries of Time
The Arc of Time
Delve into the mystery of divine manifestations and prophecies. Is there a connection? According to Ricardo, these non-ordinary states of consciousness are the common theme between those contacted by extraterrestrials, mediums, and shamans.