Nassim Haramein

Nassim Haramein

For more than 30 years, Nassim Haramein has researched the connections between physics, mathematics, geometry and cosmology. Many of his discoveries led to ground-breaking theories concerning unified physics, which are gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance. As a researcher of Unified Physics, he is poised to bring forward discoveries which will drastically change the world as we know it. But his journey was not easy. From an early age, he was able to see patterns at work forming the world we live in and was driven to know how the world derived its complexity and organization. His findings are primarily focused on the fundamental geometry of our universe, which connects everything from the quantum to the cosmic.

12 videos found

Quantum Revolution
Nassim Haramein introduces us to a holistic model of the universe that unites all areas of science through a deeper understanding of the foundations of our reality.
The Fullness of Space
Quantum Revolution
When we dream about the cosmos, our imagination drifts across the vast emptiness of space. But Nassim Haramein tells us that space is not empty at all. Rather it is full of an immense amount of energy.
Complexity in a Conscious Universe
Quantum Revolution
Is our universe the result of random chance or intelligent design? Nassim Haramein suggests that the complexity of our universe is not built from random chance, but rather a cosmic order to all things.
Spinning Spacetime
Quantum Revolution
Everything in our universe, from the tiniest of particles to the greatest of galaxies is spinning. Nassim Haramein explains that spin is fundamental to the universe, as it produces everything.
New Model of the Big Bang
Quantum Revolution
Is what we have been told about the origin of our universe all wrong? The veracity of the big bang theory is thrown into doubt as we explore Nassim Haramein’s solution. But what does this discrepancy mean for the birth of our universe?
Holographic Universe Theory
Quantum Revolution
By studying the proton, Nassim Haramein discovered the holographic nature of our universe, proving that everything is connected. This gives us access to non-local information, like what is obtained through remote viewing.
Four Fundamental Forces
Quantum Revolution
Einstein told us that gravity is due to spacetime curving, but Nassim Haramein offers us a new view – one where gravity is a secondary effect of spacetime spinning.
Life Across the Universe
Quantum Revolution
Life in the universe is abundant, and the models presented by Nassim Haramein reveal where it may be. To understand how this life could exist, we need to expand the parameters of expectations for what life could be.
Evidence We Were Never Alone
Quantum Revolution
We have never been alone as evidence from the ancient world shows. Nassim Haramein builds upon his model of life in our universe to give us confirmation of a vastly different history of humanity than what we have been taught.
Entanglement in the Holographic Universe
Quantum Revolution
If the universe is connected on all scales, how can we see the ways that all our actions influence the whole? Nassim Haramein takes us deeper into the holographic universe theory to show us how the whole universe is entangled.
Quantum Revolution for the World
Quantum Revolution
A revolution in physics is occurirng, and we are a part of it! To realize this, it will take a transformation of technology and science, and an awareness of how your consciousness can extend to an infinite potential within every atom in your body.
Revolution in Technology
Quantum Revolution
Nassim Haramein leads the way to develop over-unity power generators, gravity control devices, and life-extension technology, all based on his vacuum fluctuation models.