Meghan Currie

Believing that every student is a teacher, Meghan Currie does her best to translate the yoga teachings.
While it's not all up to her, Currie sees life as a recipe, in which there must be just the right amount of all the ingredients to produce the most incredible combination. When Currie teaches, she mixes the ingredients from her brain with those given to her by her students.
While Meghan Currie loves life, she recognizes that fear has ultimately brought her to this place. She never knows what is going to happen, however, she knows that when she tries to orchestrate her classes and life, something is lost. For this reason, Currie welcomes all sides of everyone and honors them. Fears, if faced, are like food for the soul.
Currie is grateful to all of her teachers, especially Steve Merkley, Paige Faraci, Chris Chavez, and Elena Brower.
9 classes found