Meg McCraken

Meg is a lover of life, yogini, trail runner, climber, snow boarder, mommy, writer, teacher, spiritual guide, activist and loyal friend on the path. Sometimes together, sometimes falling apart, but always inspired and empowered by love! Meg is passionate about sharing the full, rich teachings of yoga (asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting, mudra, philosophy, poetry) in a truly experiential way that helps to positively transform our whole experience of being alive. She has been sharing the yoga life with all kinds of seekers for over 15 years and leads teacher trainings, workshops and retreats all over the world.
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16 classes found
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Balance the Nervous System
Balance and harmonize your nervous system through the physical vagus nerve and the five energetic prana vayus (energetic directions of life force).
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Release and Surrender
Explore a deep journey of serene forward bends, long exhales, surrender, and radical trust through this gentle, grounding sequence. Explore an intentional focus on the vayus (winds) that move prana (energy) through your body. Empty and open, tranquil and clear, you can begin to develop the capacity to receive with grace whatever the winds of life have in store for you next. Complete your practice in a seated meditation.
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Growth and Courage
Uncover your capacity to authentically express and create in this life. Through physical work that liberates the neck, throat, and chest regions, cultivate the courage and space for clear communication and conscious, creative action. Begin with simple, gentle movements coordinated with the breath, then explore backbends, heart salutations, mudra, and meditation.
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Circulation and Radiance
Reclaim your radiance and soothe your shoulders! Diving into vyana vayu, work with flowing, expansive movements of the arms and shoulders, rich breath patterns, and meditation to optimize the circulatory system and our capacity to flow with the currents of life.
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Digestion and Discernment
Ignite the fire at your core to promote optimal digestion, enhancing your ability to turn all experience into wisdom. Practice breath work, meditation, and movement focused on core strength and twists.
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Introduction: Shifting Away from Survival Mode
In this introduction to the series, you will gain a fundamental understanding of each of the Vayus and find perspective on the ways in which the Vayus show up in our everyday life.
From Survive to Thrive: Practices for Everyday Wellness
Respiration and Nourishment
Enjoy a sweet sequence of nourishing movement designed to revitalize your body and mind and help you to breathe in the presence of each moment. Through movement that opens the side body and releases the psoas muscles, give your respiratory system a little boost. Wrap the practice with a simple mudra meditation to nurture the vitality budding within you.
Simple Yoga for Stressful Times
A Taste of Tranquility
Transition from the busyness of life to the beauty of meditation with gentle movement. Discover the magnificence of stillness, silence, and abiding tranquility. Begin practice with ten minutes of movement followed by ten minutes of meditation.
Simple Yoga for Stressful Times
Deep Stretch
Let this deep stretch nourish your body and mind and touch the heart of your soul as she moves you through thirty minutes of juicy, “yin-spired” poses.
Simple Yoga for Stressful Times
Simplicity, Clarity, Magnificence
Part three of the Simple Yoga for Stressful Times series explores a slow flow designed to bring simplicity and clarity back to your practice. Gently move through a variety of side stretches, lunges, and mini backbends guided by the breath.
Simple Yoga for Stressful Times
Radical Acceptance
Journey into the heart by engaging your mind, body, and spirit through pranayama (breath work), meditation, and movement to release the upper body.
Simple Yoga for Stressful Times
A Powerful Pause
Take time to stop and slow way down in this powerful 75-minute practice with Meg McCraken.
Sunrise Yoga
Daily Intentions for an Empowered Life
A morning affirmation practice filled with enlivening movement, inspiring meditation, and strong pranayama that leads to inner wisdom and insight. A potent and powerful way to start your day!
Sunrise Yoga
Steady Ground to Start Your Day
This very slow paced morning practice stems from a sequence around the idea "stable sacrum, stable mind". Explore a mindful meditation and a physical practice that is mostly reclined and designed to massage and stabilize the sacral region of the lower back.
Sunrise Yoga
Lighting the Altar of Your Heart
A simple morning ritual to focus your mind and ignite your heart. Begin lying down to gain connection with your hearts desires, then move through some gentle earth salutions and conclude practice with the gayatri mantra. Use movement, breath, affirmation, and meditation to create inner sacred space for your day ahead.
Sunrise Yoga
Bless Your Heart
Start your morning with a beautiful self-care ritual that blesses the heart, mind, and body. Explore sweet, gentle movement, harmonizing pranayama, (breath work), and a short micro meditation to ensure that you carry your own beautiful blessing out into the world.
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