Laird Scranton

Helping to synchronize aspects of many of the world's cosmologies, Laird Scranton is an independent researcher of ancient cosmology and language.
Also an independent software designer, Laird Scranton became interested in Dogon mythology and symbolism in the early 1990s. Since then, he has dedicated his life to the study of African, Egyptian, Vedic, Chinese, Polynesian and other world cosmologies.
His is the author of multiple books including "The Science of the Dogon," "Sacred Symbols of the Dogon," and "The Cosmological Origins of Myths and Symbols." He also appears in John Anthony West?s Magical Egypt DVD series.
3 videos found
Beyond Belief
Ancient Teachings of a Holographic Universe with Laird Scranton
Laird Scranton explores the intersection of Egyptian, Dogon, Kabbalah and Vedic teachings to uncover the secrets of space, time and our holographic universe. He is able to suss out the main message for humanity which has been hidden before us, this whole time.
The Dogon, Egypt and Buddhism with Laird Scranton
The Dogon people share startling similar traits with Tibetan Buddhism and Ancient Egypt. Laird Scranton shares his hotly contested theories concerning hieroglyphic languages, the esoteric teachings of the Dogon, and the ancient connections that our civilizations still have with non-material entities.
Esoteric Science of the Dogon with Laird Scranton
A deeper inspection of the Dogon reveals a culture with a level of cosmological and scientific sophistication that rivals our own modern understanding. Laird Scranton reveals the esoteric tradition of the Dogon people, which may have originated from the same non-physical entities that inspired ancient Egypt.
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