Debbie Solaris

Debbie Solaris

Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee, interdimensional traveler, and galactic historian. After a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience onboard an Arcturian starship several years ago, Debbie awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling. Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records, she has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge ever since. She feels it’s a big part of her mission while here on Earth to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins.

12 videos found

Deep Space
Is humankind on the verge of open extraterrestrial contact? Top defense experts discuss the role of a Galactic Federation in relation to recent UAP public disclosures. In Season 4, we examine ET species and humanity’s place in the Galactic Federation.
The Reptilians
Deep Space
How do reptilian ETs project illusions that are obfuscating our reality? Explore energy structures of Earth, how our brains perceive illusions, and how Reptilians appear to shapeshift to humans.
The Arcturians
Deep Space
How can physical humanoid extraterrestrials shift into light and communicate telepathically? Enter the dimension of the Arcturians, technologically-advanced blue-skinned beings from the Boötes constellation who have been aiding Earth since ancient times.
The Andromedans
Deep Space
What influence have beings from Andromeda had on Earth? Discover why the Andromedans are a vital part of the Galactic Federation as experts and experiencers offer their accounts of these blue-skinned extraterrestrials.
Raising Your Vibration: The Basics
Beyond Belief
How can we use the Akashic Records to help raise our vibration to better health? When Debbie Solaris first unlocked her gift as a galactic historian, her life was transformed.
Elemental Galactic History
Beyond Belief
From which galaxy do elementals originate, and how does their role in other star systems compare to their role on Earth? Debbie Solaris, reveals the galactic history of Elementals, tracing the path from their original galaxies of Andromeda and Sirius B.
Understanding Your Starseed Nature
Open Minds
Enhance overall health and wellbeing by understanding your unique star lineage. Debbie Solaris returns to share further details of her experience with human soul origins in star systems such as Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, the Pleiades, and Orion.
Finding Your Akashic Crystal
Beyond Belief
Galactic historian and ET contactee Debbie Solaris discusses her extrasensory perceptions and her work in reading the Galactic Akashic Records over the past decade.
Open Minds
What do we know about humanity's cosmic destiny and the 22 "star races" that still affect us? Galactic historian Debbie Solaris returns to Gaia to speak about the answers she has gained through reading the Galactic Akashic Records.
Ascension, Twin Flames & Soul Contracts
Beyond Belief
Are we connected across lifetimes with the people we know? Based on her work with the Akashic Records, Debbie Solaris returns to Beyond Belief to guide us through different types of soul contracts and karmic relationships that we all may have across lifetimes with our family and friends.
Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Lyrans
Open Minds
Galactic historian Debbie Solaris shares details of her meetings with Arcturian beings who set her on a path of bringing love and acceptance to humanity.
Galactic Akashic Historian with Debbie Solaris
Beyond Belief
Debbie Solaris was not a person who believed in E.T.s until she had a contact experience that changed everything about her. After the encounter she discovered that she was left with enhanced psychic abilities and the capacity to tap into the Akashic Records.