David Adair

Often credited as “the original rocket man,” David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. At age 11 he built his first of hundreds of rockets which he designed, and test flew. At age 17 he won “The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Services” award from the US Air Force. Currently David has his own research company, Intersect Inc., where he continues to work and speak on space technology and research sustainable energy for the whole planet.
26 videos found
Deep Space
The Andromedans
What influence have beings from Andromeda had on Earth? Discover why the Andromedans are a vital part of the Galactic Federation as experts and experiencers offer their accounts of these blue-skinned extraterrestrials.
Cosmic Disclosure
The Original Rocket Man with David Adair
David Adair, an insider from the original Disclosure Project lineup who has worked for most of his life developing secret rocket technology. As he started launching rockets in a corn field in Ohio, the military took an interest in his unusual hobby and brought him in.
Cosmic Disclosure
The Descent into Area 51 with David Adair
David Adair continues the discourse of his descent into Area 51 with David Wilcock, as he discusses his initial examination of an alien fusion reactor.
Deep Space
Portals, Stargates, & Time Travel
Portals represent a popular recurring theme in science fiction — an extraordinary opening in space that connects travelers to alternate timelines and distant realms.
Cosmic Disclosure
Entering Area 51
As we launch into a new season David Adair brings new information never before revealed on camera. At 17 years old, he was taken to the secret facilities under Groom Lake, commonly known as Area 51. This began his descent into the secret projects.
Cosmic Disclosure
Are Humans Sentient AI?
Is it possible humans are actually artificial intelligence who believe we are sentient beings? From self-awareness to artificial intelligence, insiders Tim and David Adair reveal a realistic perspective of our unfolding future and the potentials of sentience.
Cosmic Disclosure
Sentient UFOs & Lunar Technology
What role does the moon play in regards to ET technology and human life on Earth? Tim and David Adair share answers about ancient tech (including the moon) from the consciousness frequency Being 6, the Greys, and a sentient spaceship Pitholem at Area 51.
Cosmic Disclosure
Time Travel & Changing Timelines
What’s the difference between time travel and changing timelines? David Adair and Tim continue their interview with Emery Smith to compare and contrast their experiences and perspectives on time travel.
Cosmic Disclosure
Theory of Time Travel
Time is not what we think, nor are the timelines as fragile as we have been led to believe. David Adair discusses his understanding of time travel, the technology involved, and what happens when someone changes something in the past.
Cosmic Disclosure
Building and Destroying Pitholem
David Adair was tasked with creating a powerful rocket unlike anything ever seen before. It was to be built from a strange material of unknown origin, known as carbnite. He dubbed it, Pitholem.
Cosmic Disclosure
Why They Are Here
David Adair brings forward some of the secret information he gathered, while working in the secret programs, pertaining to the intentions of extraterrestrial civilization on Earth.
Cosmic Disclosure
From UFO to UAP: The New Narrative
How do government groups work together to shape disclosure narratives? Space technology consultant David Adair and Tim Tactical Advisor offer their insights as to why the common term UFO became UAP.
Cosmic Disclosure
Decline of NASA
David Adair discusses the highs and lows of the developments in NASA and government-based space programs. He explains why we once set foot on the moon and why it is now nearly impossible to put people into orbit.
Cosmic Disclosure
Alien Abduction Programs
The alien catch and release program is what David Adair calls it when people are abducted by aliens and returned. In this process, people are altered in strange ways, then released back into the world. Most often with dreadful results.
Cosmic Disclosure
Secrets of the Hollow Moon
Inside information concerning our moon is revealed by David Adair, who worked to develop technology for secret programs. He explains that the moon is not what many of us have been led to believe.
Cosmic Disclosure
Connections to Another World
With years of experience building secret energy tech for the U.S. government, David Adair has come to be known as "the rocket man." But little known is his brother who had two decades of face-to-face contact with a little known extraterrestrial species.
Cosmic Disclosure
Behind the Mission
David Adair is here to fulfill a mission. He takes us back to the strange encounter that set him upon the path of his work that would dub him as the Rocket Man. We learn many new things about David Adair. More than we could ever imagine.
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