Crotalo Sesamo

Crótalo Sésamo has been trained by Falco (the Visionary Founder of Damanhur) and in 2010 he become coordinator of all the Damanhur ambassadors. He teaches the first Damanhur Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado.
14 videos found
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
The Spiritual Mission of Damanhur
We are living in a time that could easily become a new golden age of mankind and we need to be ready to take hold of this opportunity. Crotalo Sesamo, an ambassador from the Damanhur Federation talks with Jay Weidner about their perspectives on time, human potential, and the spiritual mission of Damanhur.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Time Travel
The subject of time travel has finally moved from science fiction to scientific possibility. Crotalo Sesamo describes the three main modalities of time travel, the complexities involved, and the enormous amount of energy that it takes to time jump.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Synchronicity and Multiple Timelines
Crotalo Sesamo introduces us to even more new concepts of time.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
The Future of Time
To protect our planet from a future catastrophe, a new timeline was created that depends on our individual awakening.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Time Packages
Time packages are distinct durations of all possible events that can transpire during a specific timeframe. Crotalo Sesamo explains how sacred geometry and the rhythm of numbers help us understand the complexity of time and evolutionary events.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
The Creation of a New Timeline
Our future depends on protecting a new timeline with a much-needed planetary paradigm shift.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Free Will and Paradigm Shifts
Crotalo Sesamo reveals how we can use free will to awaken our inner guide and move us toward enlightenment.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Unlocking Memories of Atlantis
Just before the fall, the people of Atlantis faced a crisis of values; similar to what we are experiencing today. To avoid a similar fate, each of us must look inside to discover the true meaning of who we really are and recover the true values of our lives.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Returning to Atlantis
If we could find away to bridge the gap in time with Atlantis, we could bring forward lessons that would change the course of human evolution. Crotalo Sesamo explains Damanhur’s findings on Atlantis and how they can accelerate humankind’s capacity to evolve and create a new golden age.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Structure of Time
Expand your perception of time with Crotalo Sesamo as he introduces the concepts of time spheres, tree of time, and parallel timelines. Although our five senses only detect one timeline, our souls exist in multiple realities connected by synchronicity.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Temple of Time Travel
Journey through the underground chambers of The Temple of Mankind, a place of pilgrimage, art, technology, connection, and time travel.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Geography of Time
Explore the geography of time with Crotalo Sesamo as he explains how time fluctuates at different speeds and can encounter vortexes, islands, fractions and time castles. These ideas offer new perspectives in how we perceive geography and time travel.
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Lessons from Atlantis
As a civilization, Atlantis reached the pinnacle of human achievement in spirituality and technology. That all came crashing down when the leaders began to rule with their egos. Have we learned from these lessons from Atlantis or will we be doomed to repeat their mistakes with the same catastrophic consequences?
Damanhur: Journey Through Time
Exploring the Temples of Humankind
From the Hall of Water, through the Labyrinth and into the Hall of Mirrors, we explore not only the art and architecture of the Temples of Humankind, but the energy that courses throughout the structure. Crotalo Sesamo takes us on a photographic tour of the Temples of Humankind as he explains its history and construction.
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