Billy Carson

Billy Carson was born on September 4, 1971, in Queens, New York, but grew up in Miami, Florida. Known for his diverse contributions to many fields, Carson is an expert in topics ranging from Hermetic sciences to hidden technologies. He frequently appears as a guest on popular networks, delving into topics such as secret space programs, extraterrestrial beings, ancient anomalies, and the potential origins of humanity. Carson is also the founder of 4BiddenKnowledge, a two-time best-selling author of The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets, and a social media influencer with a combined following of over 4 million across a dozen accounts.
Billy Carson's academic background is rooted in his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), where he earned his Certificate of Science with an emphasis in Neuroscience. In 2019, he enrolled at Harvard University to pursue a course in ancient civilizations. Achievements and Contributions
Billy Carson co-founded the United Family of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH), which collaborates with top anomaly hunters globally to provide evidence of past and present civilizations within our solar system. The UFAH has claimed to have pioneered two new fields of science, Archeo-Astronomy and Astro-Anthropology. Carson believes that they will be added to academic curricula in the future. As the CEO of First Class Space Agency, based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Carson is at the forefront of researching and developing alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices. His work in space exploration and technology is at the cutting edge. In addition to his scientific and entrepreneurial endeavors, Carson is a contributor to Entrepreneur Leadership and Thrive Global. He is also a registered international journalist and the founder of Pantheon Elite Records. Carson has appeared on many media outlets and platforms, including well-known podcasts and TV shows, sharing his insights.
Publications Carson's The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets has achieved best-seller status twice. He writes about many topics, including ancient wisdom, extraterrestrial life, and lost civilizations. He has been featured on Gaia, Travel, History, and Discovery networks. His work on Gaia includes contributions to series like Deep Space, Ancient Civilizations, and Cosmic Disclosure, where he explores intriguing subjects such as the Anunnaki, ancient Sumerian texts, and the mysteries of Atlantis and Egypt.
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