A Supercharged Lion’s Gate Portal

Lion’s Gate Portal
On August 8, the Sirius star rises in conjunction with the Sun at dawn under the lion sign of Leo. For several weeks before and after Sirius’ rising, we can tap into intense manifestation energy through the bravery of the lion.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the Sun provides life for our physical bodies, and Sirius nourishes our spiritual bodies. For them, Sirius marked the start of a new year, the annual life-giving floods of the Nile, and a rebirth of the human spirit. They saw this month-long season as a powerful time to harness creative energy and manifest new experiences.
As we traverse this gateway, it may feel like we are in unfamiliar territory, like beginning a new chapter in a different city or going back to school with new teachers. Yet, with every challenge comes great opportunity. What lies on the other side of this portal will depend on the alignment of our thoughts, words, and actions. This energy asks us to slow down and carefully consider who we want to be.Â
The Lion People and the Lion’s Gate
For thousands of years and in many cultures, stories have been told of a mysterious divine race of Lion People, and some claim they traveled here through the Lion’s Gate from another world. This Gaia+ exclusive with renowned author William Henry is a unique and astounding tour de force of art, history, and mythology to reveal the hidden legacy of ancient lion beings and the extraordinary message they have for us today. Often portrayed as leaders and protectors of humanity, they may have had a hand in humanity’s creation and evolution. Is it possible to call upon the wisdom of these exceptional Leonid beings and connect with them during the Lion’s Gate Portal?
Ascension Season
It is believed that the external impacts of ascension season begin with energetic activations on May 5 (5/5) and culminate with DNA activations on August 8 (8/8). Those who are open to this energy can integrate it simply through meditation and intention. It is also a time ripe for activating ancient memories from previous incarnations, confirming a new sense of self and way of being in this world. This is when we can see the seeds of our intentions begin to sprout. And like any fragile new plant or idea, it is wise to nurture and protect our creations as they reach maturity.Â
What does 888 mean?
In numerology, the number eight represents prosperity, abundance, and a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is visually associated with the infinity symbol, which suggests a field of limitless potential and reminds us that we will receive the energy that we put out into the world.
This year’s Lion's Gate Portal is especially supercharged because not only do we have August 8 (8/8), but the year 2024 also reduces down to the number eight. This 888 “angel number” often appears as a signpost marking the start of a transformative journey capable of shifting your entire identity. This is a time to trust your intuition, take inspired action, and stay aligned with your higher self.
Did Our Ancestors Know How to Open A Portal to Another Dimension?

There are several areas across the world known to be energetic hotspots – from ancient megaliths to Ley Lines, these areas are often alleged to produce hyperdimensional gateways. While we don’t exactly know how to open a portal to another dimension, there is evidence the phenomenon could exist. And now it seems science may be catching on to the possibility.
Typically, portal areas have some type of electromagnetic significance and are located near large deposits of quartz or other minerals with piezoelectric properties. So, it was less of a surprise when NASA announced in 2012 that the University of Iowa physicist Jack Scudder, found hard evidence of portals created by the interaction between the Earth and Sun’s magnetospheres.
These portals exhibit extreme volatility and unpredictability, opening and closing in an instant. But Scudder found markers, called x-points or electron diffusion regions, which allowed NASA probes to locate and study them.